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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Art Club Sign Up

Fall Art Club Sign Up is on Wednesday, August 23 at 8:00am through RevTrak.

Click on our school, then Field Trips to find the Art Club sign up.

Here is a link to RevTrak. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

What I did on Summer Break!

This year summer break seemed to fly by!  I did have some fun and I wanted to share a few photos from my summer shenanigans.

In June I ran into this fabulous lady at King Soopers.
Jan Dow was the principal who hired me into
DCSD via Coyote Creek Elementary.  I am so glad
to  have the chance to reconnect with her!

My family took a road trip to Mount Rushmore.

While in South Dakota we visited Bear Country.

This guy was literally right next to our car,
just chillin'.

On our way back we stopped at Car Henge.

Another view of Car Henge.

I spent quite a bit of time at the pool with friends - like
Miss Ott - another DCSD Art Teacher.

Spent quite a bit of time hiking around this
beautiful state.

I even found a cool tire swing and had to take a swing!

In July my family took another road trip - to the
Great Sand Dunes!  We had loads of fun sledding
down the dunes!

We also went to Mesa Verde....

...and the Four Corners! Look - I am in 4 states at t
the same time!

We hit the Black Canyon of the Gunnison on the
way home.

We saw these cool Corvettes all in a row at the
Black Canyon. Turns out they were caravaning
across the U.S.

That was my summer!  Hope you had fun in your summer adventures.

Not it's time to make some art!!!

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!  Looking forward to a fun year in art class!!!

2017 Summer SOAR Program - RHMS

This year's Art Classes at the S.O.A.R. program at Rocky Heights Middle School was a blast full of creativity and fun!  Below are a few pics of fantastic students and former students as well as artwork created by students in both of my S.O.A.R. classes.

Mini-Me showed up to class with gifts for ME!!      
What a fantastic surprise!  =D                                  

Some of my favorite former students dropped by
to visit.

Canvas and Creativity



Wearable Art